RG Albums available in CD format!

The two RG albums are now available in CD format to former RG members and other interested persons. The albums Revelation Generation in Concert and Revelation Generation II can be purchased for $9.00 each or $15.00 for both (these prices include shipping costs) by sending a check or money order (payable to: Gen. HH Arnold HS Alumni Assn.) along with a note which describes your order and which contains your printed name and mailing address to:

RG Albums
C/O Lyn Baskett-Fort
PO Box 90208
Gainsville, FL 32607

* If ordering only one CD, specify which one you want ( RG in Concert or RG II ).

* These CD's were copied from the best tracks of several albums (not from master tapes) and they are good quality, but since they are reproductions of record albums, they sound like record albums (not necessarily like the CD sound quality we know today).

* We are making these CD's available pretty much at our cost. Any profits will be donated to the H H Arnold Alumni Association.

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